In 1991, archaeologists Aron Mazel and Mike Moon, with geologist Greg Botha, excavated at Jojosi near Nquthu in KwaZulu-Natal. Jojosi is marked by severe donga erosion, which has revealed in-situ knapping horizons with abundant stone artifacts. These seemed to represent episodes of flaked stone artifact production. Aron did not pursue the project and the material has remained stored in the KwaZulu-Natal Museum archive since the excavation. Gunther will show actual artefacts from Mazel’s excavation, showing how exceptional the preservation is at Jojosi, and discuss insights we can gain from them into the technology and raw-material use of hunter-gatherer groups in the region in the distant past. His work and new fieldwork at Jojosi opens doors to extending Middle Stone Age research in KwaZulu-Natal from rock shelters to open-air sites.
Mark your schedules and save the date! The KZN Museum's next storeroom talk will take place on Wednesday, 10th of May at 10h30. Gunther Moller will be presenting on the Jojosi Donga 1, an open-air knapping site of the Middle Stone Age.
In 1991, archaeologists Aron Mazel and Mike Moon, with geologist Greg Botha, excavated at Jojosi near Nquthu in KwaZulu-Natal. Jojosi is marked by severe donga erosion, which has revealed in-situ knapping horizons with abundant stone artifacts. These seemed to represent episodes of flaked stone artifact production. Aron did not pursue the project and the material has remained stored in the KwaZulu-Natal Museum archive since the excavation. Gunther will show actual artefacts from Mazel’s excavation, showing how exceptional the preservation is at Jojosi, and discuss insights we can gain from them into the technology and raw-material use of hunter-gatherer groups in the region in the distant past. His work and new fieldwork at Jojosi opens doors to extending Middle Stone Age research in KwaZulu-Natal from rock shelters to open-air sites.
Don't miss out on this exciting talk! Send RSVP to Dr Ghilraen Laue at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
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