Spears week: annual intervention into the Human Sciences collections
Spears were the focus of the annual intervention into the KwaZulu-Natal Museum’s Department of Human Sciences (DHS) Collections. DHS staff—including Dr. Wintjes, Dr. Laue, Mr. Munzhedzi, Ms. Tlhoaele, Mr. Madonda, and Ms. Shabalala processed over 300 spears. The spears in the Human Sciences Anthropology collection were mostly collected during the 19th and early 20th century in Zululand and Natal (now KwaZulu-Natal), but do include examples from other provinces in South Africa, various countries in Africa, the South Sea Islands, and Australia.
The spears were measured, cleaned, and conservation measures were taken where necessary. They were then photographed and moved to their new location which has better environmental controls. All details were updated on our collections database.
Dimakatso Tlhoaele cleaning an Australian wooden fishing spear.
Mudzunga Munzhedzi photographing a spear.
Phumulani Madonda rehousing a spear onto the new shelving with Nothando Shabalala databasing in the background.
Nothando Shabalala inputting all new data onto our database.
The spears on their new shelving.